Customer service and support is offered at the
mobile casino around the clock day and night just as at the
online casinos that are downloaded and the flash options. Players at the
mobile casino can contact the customer service and support via a
number ways. A toll free phone number is provided for different
countries including the UK, Canada, Australia and many European
countries. Players can also contact the customer service and support
via a live chat option that is offered free of charge and links
directly to customer service representatives who are highly trained
and able to answer almost any query that may arise. Further to this,
some of the mobile casinos also offer email addresses for certain
departments at the casino together with a comprehensive list of
frequently asked questions where the player may find his questions
answered. If this support is not enough for players at the
casino, then they should consider keeping their cat close by as they
play the choice of
casino games. The cat cannot answer back but it
can offer a sounding board to the player and someone or thing that
the player can bounce his ideas off. Players are able to pet the cat
and let him sit on their lap while playing the
mobile casino games.
The cat does not interfere in any way and in fact offers enormous
support and love to its owners which in turn can help the owner in
his quest for a profitable gaming experience.