When people think of ways to reduce stress in their
life, the obvious ideas that usually come to mind are things like yoga or meditation. These are certainly great ideas however, another
beneficial and valuable idea is to consider adopting or buying a pet
such as a cat or a dog. There has been a lot of research that has
shown that unless someone particularly dislikes pets, or, is too busy
to actually care for one, pets can provide their owner with stress
relief, social support and other health benefits. Pets will improve
their owner’s mood, it is hard to stay in a bad mood when a loving
dog is slobbering kisses all over your face, or your cat strokes your
leg while gently purring. Pets have also been shown to control blood
pressure better than drugs do. Pets are actually better atcontrolling the spikes in blood pressure than the ACE inhibiting
drugs do. A study that followed some high hyper sensitive New York
stockbrokers showed that those that owned dogs and cats had lower
blood pressure and heart rates than those stockbrokers that did not.
Even those owners who do not have particularly high blood pressure or
a heart condition can also benefit from the stress reducing benefits
of a pet. The simple act of stroking a cat or petting a dog while
playing at the online casino or in the middle of an argument with a
spouse can actually help keep your blood pressure lower and this will
hopefully lead to a more positive outcome.
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